
Tamil Sangam identifies a person as Primarily Tamil, if he or she is from an ethnic group who speak the Tamil language as their mother tongue or trace its ancestry to be Tamil speaking.

Full membership of the Sangam shall be open to current and previous residents Newcastle and the Hunter Valley.

Associate membership of the Sangam shall be open to all residents of Australia.

Individual full membership is for persons who is of ethnic Tamil origin and must be at least 18 years of age. This includes those who identify themselves as primarily Tamil especially if of mixed ethnic parentage or ancestry with Tamil origins.

Individual associate membership is for persons of any ethnicity and must be at least 18 years of age, who wish to join the Sangam as a member.

Family full membership is for people who are of ethnic Tamil origin. This includes those who identify themselves as primarily Tamil especially if of mixed ethnic parentage or ancestry with Tamil origins. The family of a member shall automatically become full members.

Family associate membership is defined as those people of any ethnicity who wish to join the Sangam as a member. The family of a member shall automatically become associate members.

Membership Form

The membership period runs from July – July each year. The membership fee for the family is $35 and per Annum and for Individual full membership is $20 per annum.

Once you make a payment, please make sure you email us at to inform us that you have made the payment along with your full name, contact number and reference used for the payment so that we can send you confirmation of receipt of payment and update our membership data.

The bank account details for the payment:

Bank                       : Newcastle Permanent Building Society

Account Name      : Newcastle Tamil Sangam

BSB No                   : 650-000

Account No          : 854100507

Thanks for your support and interest in our organisation!